Sunday, June 28, 2009

Guys, please becareful no matter where you are.

Guys, please please please be careful no matter where you go or where you are due to swine flu. It's getting damn serious now.
I received a text message from a friend saying that there's a student in seremban is suffering from H1N1 influenza now. One of the school will be closing for 1 week starting from tomorrow. Whether it's true or not, we still have to be careful. Somehow, this disease is going to storm Seremban soon.

Any comments about H1N1? Please leave your comments ya! We would like to hear from you=-]

Yours truly is here.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

King of pop


Always be your NO.1 fan!

Does anyone knows who is he?
Who does not right!? Of course, He is MICHAEL JACKSON, King of Pop and also the MOONwalker.
Unfortunately, he dead at the age of 50, due to heart arrest. Doctors are still investigating about his case now. Some said he die because of overdose of DOLACTIN ( a kind of drug that relieves pain), but we still don't know what's the reason yet.
Anyone likes Michael Jackson? I bet you do cause even those old folks, auntie, ah beng, ah lian, ali, abu, mina, singga, lingam also likes him, and knows him well too!
If you still don't know who is he? You're hopeless, and screw yourself ! LOL, just joking.

Yours truly is here.

What's hot?

battle between Decepticons and Autobots

ZOMFG! It's a freakin nice movie!
Anyone has watch this movie? Well, everyone should not miss this movie, or else you'll regret till the day that you die! TRUST me, you will regret!
So, who wanna watch this movie? Next Saturday, definitely will be watching it at JUSCO. If anyone interested, let Alvin knows .

Yours truly is here.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Day in 5M

We had our assembly in the morning as it was raining yesterday. This week was the 'Koperasi' week. Just when Pn. Choy took over to give her speech, rain started pouring... The whole school students were so desperate to go under the shade and ran for their lives to the corridors without even waiting for the teacher to stop. It was kinda rude actually but we were left with no choice. Pn Poh snatched the mic immediately and asked everyone to stay in the corridors. The scene then was spectacular, all of us look like refugees from refugee camps, running all around the place.

Our beloved class went for Bio soon after we sang Negaraku. Today, it was our class presentation about Contraceptic method. Teacher asked who wants to present 1st and our lovely Lok Lin came out bravely to introduce female's method.

The female contraceptive pills...

This is followed by the presentation by our class so called dog presenting the male contracepting method.

Dog and mr. MiB on the go.. Look at owl.. Mr. MiB is putting on the condom for Tofu's glue.

Everyone looked so happy and excited as they saw the arrival of the condoms. There were different colours which have different smell and feel.

It looks like a pink bottle with its *** haha.. Its put into the test tube.

When Ah Boon saw this, he was like:" Is this for male or female?"
Everyone was like:" OMG, are you serious?? This is for you to use!!!" haha.. It was bizzard...

Bei Li, Kah Mun and Miss Contact even when discovering more about the packaging of the condoms.

Look at the word " EXTRA SAFE".... hahas!!! Different packages...

We had our Chemistry next. It went on kinda bored and no one barely even listens to our 'hilarious' Mr. Lee. He went on and on about acids and alcohol~~~ Even our class sheep is not listening. XD
Here's when it caught all of our attention. He did a little experiment using alcohol and it did lit up fire as below, which was like a small spark of it.
It was Malay after recess. Pn. Sabariah kept on expressing that she was not proud that most of our class got A for BM and that she don't want to over praise us as it leads to no good. She chatted with our 'Big Bro' about his life and make a statement.
Pn. S said:" Chang tidak datang ke sekolah tetapi bahasa dia baik, maaf nak cakap ini ya, Boon datang ke sekolah setiap hari tetapi masih mendapat 60 lebih markah. Kalau begini, janganlah datang ke sekolah, tidak datang lagi baik keputusan!" (it was something like that)

Sejarah was next. We had our second presentation of the day. Pn. Selva asked a few students to present to the whole class. Kiwi and Jing Fei was 1st to go. They kept saying that Jing Fei is like teaching and talking to the blackboard as she kept facing to the blackboard. Suddenly, Young came rushing out which was quite funny as all of us felt the same way.

Pn. Selva asked Jing Fei to ask a question and through the high demands of the class, Jing Fei picked Tofu to answer her quietion. Everyone kept on laughing happily just by looking at his posts and expressions. Even teacher was delighted and happy to see him...

TEENager Fei, looking very much like a teacher.

He is so tall that teacher had to raise her head high enough to look at his face..

Next were for the boys to take over. It was so funny as Ah Boon went 1st and talked as if he is chasing the train, so fast! Then, it was Wasabi's turn. The whole class LOL when he did the post of a 'sisi'. His hands kept on moving, it was so funny!

Look at Alvin's writing on the board, its compatible with Prawn mee's haha...
(It's so HUGE!!!)

Wasabi and his boring reding...

Our day ended that right after literature ( English). Everyone were so excited to get out of the school.

Saturday, June 20, 2009



大家过完了一整天终于等到了Sivik 节了。听见Pn.Loong 说要去电脑室打东西,大家不禁的兴奋起来了。她临走前还吩咐全班要抄rumusan, 但情况看似没人听见一样。这也是本班的特质吧!

最近不知为什么大家突然燃起了按计算机的习惯,一看见班上一有空节,大家就纷纷拿出计算机来按按。好奇的问了一班之长才明白这纯粹是因为没游戏玩才想出来的数学游戏。本人觉得这游戏真的很神,先要按下设定数目的一些号码(随便也可以),然后在组内选出第一位提出号码的人。游戏开始,若有人念出你计算机里的第一个号码就要扣除那号码的数值,但若别人念出不是计算机了的第一个号码就有吧被念的号码乘计算机里的号码,减减乘乘,第一位获得零的人就是赢家。哈哈,什么都不会的本人一参入专家航玩,立刻就赢了好几场,好开心哦!!! 还听见有的输家输了还很不甘愿的赖赢家没有乘号码,哈哈,好心啦,要认赌服输!玩了一阵子,大家因为要检查分数所以停了下来,才发现班上还有另一组人在玩,真是厉害!这游戏可是很受欢迎哦!





Anyone? any ideas?

Ms pretty needs your help here.
Ok here's the problem, some might like to listen to english songs, and some might just listen to mandarin songs. Currently, the song in this blog is an English songs, some might think it's a boring song. So, here's the poll below for you guys to vote whether you guys want to embed english songs, chinese songs or just mix english and chinese??Please vote ya! Thanks for your cooperate!

What songs do you guys prefer for the blog?

View Results

Thursday, June 18, 2009

First and foremost!

Friends won't keep you lonely!

Jumbo mumbo! Hi guys, Ms pretty hereby to blog something so that it won't feel empty. Yup, that's right, NO MORE empty! :D

Basically, This blog is only for 5 murni, 5 sc 2. Well, of course others are welcome too lar. BUT, everything, every contents here are copyrighted. Don't rip anything from here and leave those crap or shit messages in the chatbox, or else, get the hell outta here! You're not welcome!=.=

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


昨天是本班主任,邱老师的大寿日。虽然本班并没有什么给老师大大庆祝,但也有准备一份小小诚意给本班最敬爱的老师贺寿贺寿… 这礼物可是为老师精心细选哦!希望老师看了会喜欢。除此以外,我们全班也很吝啬的签了一张特小的祝贺卡送了给老师,希望老师能感受到我们的诚意咯!

今日本班的“话事人”也为了答谢大家昨日的诚意,特地买了大家的“最爱”—巧克力香蕉蛋糕,请了大家吃。还开心哦!当我们的“一班之长”告诉说下课要去食堂吃蛋糕还有人不信咧!可是果然,下课时一到食堂,就看见那熟悉的红红大盒子置放在食堂的桌子,旁边还有本班的副班长守护着。这个美味可口的蛋糕也在本班的“牛”小姐,Connie, 细心的刀工之下一块块的被派送给所有5M帮员的手上。


本班也因为派送蛋糕的时间不足,所以在短短的20分钟内也不能把蛋糕给吃完。下课铃声响了后,我们还很大牌的站在食堂的首座,好好享受蛋糕的滋味。一大班的学长们还围着我们,看着我们吃,还一直命令我们:“回班!快点回班!”本班的虾面还很勇敢的说:“这是老师叫的!” 哈哈,真让学长们收嘴了!大家也在速战速决的情况下把蛋糕给吞进肚子,连忙的回班上Pn.Sabariah节。

真的很可惜班上还有很多人没有吃到老师的蛋糕。Wasabi 还说饼干因为要减肥不要吃咧!哈哈!


这两天真是大家患上心脏病的大好日子,假期才刚回来就得承受这么大的折磨,haiz...还是打好定心剂好。还好班上所有人的马来文考得不错,最低的才B 咧!可见的本班的马来文水平是非常的好。哈哈,开玩笑而已。 莎霸拉老师还很讽刺地说:Saya tidak dapat tidur dalam dua minggu ini. Suami saya tanya kenapa tidak boleh tidur? Saya pun jawab kerana kelas saya semua dapat A dalam ujian...." 好讽刺哦! 哈哈。本班考得的好原来也会让老师失眠的,还是别